About us

We are a hard working, family of eight. Swimming in the sea when we aren't busy on our small holding. Daddy dragon has to work away a lot, so this blog is to let him keep up with our adventures at home.

Thursday 22 November 2012

No one promised life would be fair

No one said life would be easy.

Somedays, are just hard.

Harder than they need to be.

And I am thankful, they are not as hard as they could be.

This is a photo from my window looking in. 

My bigger hatchlings are dancing and singing to keep the boys happy.

While I untangle the sheep that has managed to become stuck, in the slats of our picnic table.

Today has been hard.

But not as hard as it could have been.

Thank you to my hatchlings for being patient, and helping when I needed you to.


  1. lovely post, you are right days are hard.. but could be harder and we have to try to remmeber that your girls are so cute dancing for their brothers :)
