About us

We are a hard working, family of eight. Swimming in the sea when we aren't busy on our small holding. Daddy dragon has to work away a lot, so this blog is to let him keep up with our adventures at home.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Harassement charges

Hatchling no4 tells me, 'Stop harassing me! I gonna call 'peace' man to come get you.'

All this, and all, because I would not let him tear his sister's book to pieces.

I told him tear up the junk mail instead.

He replies, 'You need a change your perception. You're way too stinky.'

He pauses, a smile plays on his lips.

'I could 'nicky tape you in you chair.'

I kind of love this two year old stage, with all its drama.

He has a heart of gold, but he doesn't want to be little, or at least doesn't want to appear little. 

We go from the biggest hugs, to extreme frustration, and back to being 'Mr. Cuddles' in a 5 minutes stretch.

A great exercise in humility and patience. 

Too much of a reminder that he is growing up, flapping his little wings and wanting to fly.

It is okay to be little for a while more, the getting big happens quick enough.

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