About us

We are a hard working, family of eight. Swimming in the sea when we aren't busy on our small holding. Daddy dragon has to work away a lot, so this blog is to let him keep up with our adventures at home.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Caught up in the moment

You see that plane up there... well it brought someone pretty wonderful home this weekend. Which is why there hasn't been a whole lot of blogging going on over here. We have all been soaking up the time with over dearly missed daddydragon.

The girls wanted to take him all over the island and show him all the places and discoveries they have made. Down to the caves we went.

It turned out to be a beautiful day for it, but my camera batteries died again. I am starting to wonder if there is not some sort of magnetic field down there or something.

Do you see the seals behind this hatchling?

They came out to play. A family of five of them played peek a boo in the waves with us, following us up and down the beach. 

They are so darn cute!

We have been mostly busy enjoying the far too brief time we have before daddy dragon goes back to work, so forgive a little lack of blogging it will be daily again soon... far too soon!

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