About us

We are a hard working, family of eight. Swimming in the sea when we aren't busy on our small holding. Daddy dragon has to work away a lot, so this blog is to let him keep up with our adventures at home.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

True story

So, after putting up new window blinds, I made a classic mistake.

I left the ladder out.

It was stormy, 60mph winds, I didn't want to carry the big ladder out to the garage.

Big mistake.

Two little boys, I'm assuming, climbed the ladder.

 I didn't see them.

I was downstairs, baking with girl hatchlings.

I went up stairs to check on them. 

They were awfully quiet.

And my mama senses were screaming.

Somehow, they had opened the giant roof window. 

And two boys were not to be seen.

Train tracks, and match box cars were accross the floor, and I could hear the sound of two excited boys, coming from the roof.

I think I lost one of my nine lives, right there.

I don't have nine lives you say?

Yeah, I know, I lost at least one, possibly three.

The winds were blowing gales.

And I have two little boys on the roof.

So, I did the only logical thing. 

I shouted,

'Ice cream!!! Mama has rainbow ice creams for every one!'

These boys, they love those rainbow fruit lollies.

Love them!

I went downstairs, and outside to check if I could see them.

The roof was empty. 

But the car has had a battering.

It seems they were pitching cars and trains atop the car parked in the drive.

From two stories up.

Surprisingly, successfully, their aim was good. 

8 trains on the car, only 2 on the ground.

In gale winds!

Anyways, I went back into the house, where two eager boys were shouting, 

'Ice cream!!!'

 I took that ladder, and put it away in the garage. Then I dug to the bottom of the chest freezer for rainbow ice lollies.

Life savers they are.

I shall have to buy more, just in case.

And I'm now researching velux window locks...

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, a story to tell when they get married, for sure :)
