Sunday 17 December 2017

We three cats

We three cats so troublesome are

Plotting how to get to that star

High and tempting, how tormenting 

Placing it up so far! 

Happy 6th birthday, hatchling no5!

I can not believe that you have grown so big, 

I started this blog when you were only a few weeks old. 

You bless our lives so very much. 

Happy birthday, wonderful hatchling. 

Advent day 14 - Panto

So, so proud of these hatchlings. 

Exceptionally well done! 

Tuesday 12 December 2017

First lost tooth

I am pretty sure, somewhere on this blog is a post of that very tooth's arrival. 

I have no idea who told my baby boy he could grow up, and get adult teeth. 

 I am so thankful for each day with this precious hatchling. 

Advent day 12 Holiday train

As this month

Rapidly runs away at speed, 

And we try to keep up

With all the excitement and activities. 

Happy December! 

Saturday 9 December 2017

Advent day 9 - Snow day!

It actually snowed all day. 

Not too much stuck, but some is better than none. 

But snow brings waiting. 

Thankfully, they are pretty good natured hatchlings. 

Thursday 7 December 2017

The weather outside is frightful

But our new stove is warm and delightful. 

And as the wind blows strong and shows no signs of stopping. 

And the water levels creep up higher with each tide rising... 

Might as well snow, 

let it snow, let it snow! 

Advent day 8 - Baking and Beaded wreaths

Quadruple chocolate loaves, 

And tried beads... My favorite bead for small hatchlings. Especially, clumsy ones. 

This boy made a festive spy ring. 

It is still a wreath, too, Mama! 

This lady was delighted with all the pretty. 

And this one reluctantly shared. 

Happy Friday! 

Advent day 7 Mince pies

I am using two recipes this year. 

My favorite has always been Nigella's port and cranberry recipe. 

But I have fallen completely for the Merry Gin'mas recipe over here. I want to make another batch with port, and another with Brandy, and another whiskey, and another port. 

Honestly, I could just eat the lot with a spoon!

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Advent day 6 - Christmas racers and bouncing unicorns

No need to encourage boys to participate with the addition of small motors. 

This hatchling was sold on the idea, the moment she spotted glitter horns. 

Peel and stick foam has to be one of my favorite craft products. 

The results are easy and satisfying to small fingers. 

A tired hatchling

It is hard to be a hatchling.

Days start early.

Sometimes, at just 4am.

And days are long...

So very long, if you do wish to nap.

And nights are busy, extra busy for this hatchling, with a drainage bag that leaked, a pump that beeped, and cough that went on and on.

So, now she sleeps. 

And bedtime is still two hours away. 

Advent day 5: Letters to Father Christmas

An exercise in wish fulfilment, writing "I want letters..."

Hatchling number 6 wants a glitter unicorn and world domination.

The older hatchlings want a baby hatchling.

And an assortment of things from telekinesis to extinct animals.

Good luck Santa, you have your work cut of for you!