Thursday 31 December 2020

Hatchling no 8


We have a new character, our 2019 born hatchling who perhaps, should be introduced.

This goregous little lady came into our lives both healing and challenging our hearts. 

This little hatchling with her infectious smile and her fierce resilience has been the joy we needed and we are so incredibly blessed.

A new year


It has been a long time since I last wrote on this blog. Tragedy struck our family and it has taken me a long time to figure out if I could continue writing this blog that had been all about hope.

Part of the change, the positive change is my husband no longer works away for extended periods. The entire reason the blog was started was to chronicle family life for him.

Still, I miss having this family diary. This photo album of sorts.

I have tried starting other blogs and ultimately, I am ready to start a new but I want to continue this same thread.

And here we are on the last moments of 2020, ready to begin blogging again.