Wednesday 28 June 2017

So proud of hatchling no2 - Digging at the Brough Cairn site

Home education has becomea series of university courses for hatchling no2.

Her latest interest is archeology.

She came home sun and wind burnt eavh day, thrilled with discovering and learning about the neolitic village.

We are so blessed. 

Friday 23 June 2017

Refusing to give up

Food play has become our daily ritual

Our attempt to keep hatchling no7 connected with food.

She loves the opportunity, which is really rewarding.

Though, it is an exercise in mess.

She thinks hidden toys are funny.

And she loves to feed her toys.

Her tweezer,

And cutlery skills are coming along well.

She likes being the chef

And isn't bothered by temperature.

Learning our shapes,

And mixing textures.

We are trying again and again.

Refusing to give up.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

This boy

He is so clever and silly.

He comes off the bus, a flurry of dropped papers, half worn clothes and a great big smile.

So thankful for  him.