Tuesday 27 September 2016

An autumn stroll

Before coming to Orkney,

I don't think I appreciated,

How much the trees play a role

In our perception of autumn.

So, each year, I make apoint of seeking out the trees

And savouring them, before the wind clears away their leaves, and we must patiently await the spring.

Monday 12 September 2016

Friday 9 September 2016

Weeks like these

That run, run, run.
Everyday feels like a spinning top, going round faster and faster.

And then I look up at the views that surround me and it all stops spinning.

We are so blessed.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Every hatchling likes a sling

We've had a few slings over the years - starting with a bijorn with hatchling no1 to a ring sling, to a moby wrap, then a connecta, and lenny lamb woven. 

I have borrowed a wompat from our local sling library in search for a sturdy toddler buckle option.

Hatchling no4 certainly approved.

(And before any feels the need to say, yeah I know the wrap is wat too loose, but you can pnly critique a twelve year old hatchling so much, and it was supervised.)

UFO cloud

It is funny what brings a community together. Over the course of an hour dozens of photos of this strange cloud were shared as hundreds gathered to discuss the sky above us.