Wednesday 3 June 2015

A good morning's work

Our piglets are spoiled. 

Surrounded by a high walls, their garden is almost wind proof. A rare abundance of bushes and trees, provide shade and shelter.

Nonetheless, the hatchlings and I been brewing a new project. 

Years ago, I called around, when we first discussed pigs, to buy a pig ark.

Quotes of £380 - 570, were banded about. We quickly realised that after shipping, we would be spending a good £1000 to house our pigs.

That is not realistic for us.

I dithered and fussed and eventually settled on a wood framed ark. We are not farrowing or over wintering.

So the hatchlings and I squeezed as much wood as we could into our little car.

And we built this,

for £37, including screws.

Whether the pigs use it or not, we had a great time building, and we didn't break our budget.

Now, I can't wait to paint it.... I'm thinking polka dots! 

Monday 1 June 2015

Stopping to play in the sunshine

It has rained and rained,

the wettest Spring on record.

Every hour of sunshine, very rare hour of sunshine,

has been needed to work on the things that are difficult in the wind and the rain.

However, this little hatchling had not yet sampled the daisies and buttercups of 2015,

and this one was in need of a swing.

It was a lovely taste of summer.

Which we hope the future holds in abundance.