Wednesday 26 November 2014

November sunshine

We awoke to a wonderful sunshine filled day.

Hence, a park visit was in order.

This baby girl, like her big brother, feels swings are notoriously dubious.

He has since taken swings in his stride.

Lava games, some forms of entertainment seem to pass from generation to generation.

And a whole lot of climbing.

As there is meant to be another storm this weekend, I am sorely tempted to get them all back outside after dinner, just so we hit the 'stuck inside' phase with batteries as low as possible.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

So excited!

They don't know it yet, but I just signed the eldest two hatchlings up for the RYA Youth sailing program this summer!

I am so excited!

Because I've joined the wait list for the adult program too!

Being a grown up

Means not throwing a paddy when I see this.

But, but I wanted to play Thomas ride the rails!


Thursday 20 November 2014

Christmas fayre

I think the one part of Worcester which I miss, is the Victorian Christmas fayre.

I appreciate my family would paint a different picture.

Freezing cold fingers, large crowds, and a lot of noise.

However, there is something quite wonderful, in the smells and sights and sounds.

Roasted chestnuts, liquor laden hot chocolates, and row upon row of holiday confectionary.

I think what I like best is that feeling of community, and having worked running a festival, I have a very real idea of just how much work goes into orchestrating an event like it.

Last night was our local Christmas fayre and it was small and quiet by comparison. It did not flow through the winding city streets.

Instead it was held inside a town hall. 

Every corner, nook and cranny filled.

There were no big name brands, but there were dozens and dozens of local hand crafters, cheesemakers, and lots of community spirit.

Instead of paying four pounds for a single drink, everyone was handed drinks and a plate of food as they came in. 

It went on late as everyone chatted and danced, and the children ran about playing.

It was a lovely evening.

And it makes me very appreciative of this fine little community.

So it seems the season has begun, for us anyways.

Tomorrow we are bring our vaste collection of chocolate moulds to a friends, where our collective ten children will make chocolates for gifting to postmen and teachers and friends.

The weekend that follows is our island's Christmas tree lighting, supper, and dance. Followed by the weekend long Christmas bazaar.

Suddenly, it will be December!

I will post a Christmas advent of activities  which thanks to a newly found interest in pinterest should be quite extensive this year.

That site is dangerous.

For now though we shall try to enjoy the remains of November, and I hope that yours is passing as gently as our own.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Good morning Mr. Sun

Nice to see you back, if only for a peedie while.

Everyone has one of those neighbours

Even with all this space,

there's a mardy one who has to go about shouting at everyone else.

'There, there love, never mind.'

'Some things the kids needn't hear. We do not behave like her, pup!'

The seal communities are a delight to watch, even if it is cold, wet and windy.

They have so much character.

Happy Tuesday.

Friday 14 November 2014

Crochet hats

This year the girls asked me to knit them hats after their special toys.

A cat, an elephant, a bunny, and an angry bird for the baby, chosen by her big brother.

I have been overwhelmed by the sheer supply of quality patterns free online and how many tutorials there are on youtube.

I feel the very least I can do is recommend and thank this lady, whose site is beyond fabulous.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The bathroom is happier

When we moved in, one of the first projects we wanted to undertake was changing this bathroom.

Mostly, due to the horrid smell this carpet exuded.

It smelt like 25 years of urine.

The hatchlings all helped.

We painted and primped, 

and we are now very happy with the results.

Time rushes quickly away

It feels sometimes as though the minutes of the day slip through our fingers and there is nothing we can do to slow it all down.

Projects stack up, work flows in, and suddenly a month or more passes by.

We have officially return to the roaring winds, that stomp and snarl like lions outside the door. 

And every where you look there are people eagerly anticipating the year's end all ready.

Don't throw away these last few weeks, they will go by plenty quickly as it is.

Instead free up you time.

And try meditating.

A very long time ago I bought the hatchling a set of children's meditation cds, and they have brought them out again. 

They tell me every one should meditate, it is good to rest your head.

Hence, I am passing on their message.

And wishing you a good mid week.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Respectful remembrance

Today, we are thankful for this peaceful day that we have.

I wish it was something that could be taken for granted, that a battle once fought was finished.

We all know the truth is otherwise.

So, today, I will simply be thankful for what we have and hope for peaceful tomorrows.

Making poppies

This is my latest of many attempts at crocheting a good poppy.

For whatever reason, this year, I decided I wanted to make our poppies.

Partly, because the paper ones just aren't the same as the soft velour feeling ones we had when I was a child, partly, because we bought about 30 last year and still managed not to have a full set for the remembrance ceremony, and mostly, because like many other parts of my life, I don't want to buy it. I want to participate, live, give, grow, learn and be a part of things. 

I could buy a poppy, or I can spend hours trying my best to make them, spending the time pondering the significance and meaning of it all.

So this year, I'm making our poppies.

And if you are interested, I'll pass on what I've done, if you want to make the poppy in the top pic. (Just comment if you want the write up for any of the others)

In black, chain 3 sc and join with a slip stich to form a ring.
Crochet 2 dc stitches into each of the three stitches in the circle, and change to red.

In red, chain 2 and crochet in 2 dc in each of the 6 stitches for a total of 12 dc in the round.

When you have 12, slip stitch to join.

Do not chain, go straight into a triple crochet stitch, in the first loop. Then another, so 2 triple crochet stitches in your first stitch. 

Then put three tc's into the next stitch, then two tc's in the third stich.

In the fourth stitch, only one single crochet.

There is your first petal.

Do this again three more times. 

12 stitches = 2 tc, 3 tc, 2 tc, 1 sc, 2 tc, 3 tc, 2 tc, 1 sc, 2 tc, 3 tc, 2 tc, 1 sc, 2 tc, 3 tc, 2 tc, 1 sc

and then slipstitch it closed.

Ta da!

Oh and if you have a better crochet or knit poppy pattern, I would love to know. 

Please do comment, and link. 

Monday 3 November 2014

Her buddy

This spoiled kitty

watching movies with his favourite hatchling.

Makes me very happy.

Sunday 2 November 2014

A gentle autumn

The autumn weather has treated us gently.

And for that I am thankful.

Not everyone has had a gentle month or even year.

I would not wish those difficult patches on anyone, and I wish gentleness and peace for you.

Today, I am thankful.

And I am reminded, that our children are borrowed gifts, 

and we never know how long we may have with them.

Enjoy them, these beautiful babies do not last forever.

Caramel Apple Crumble with Bourbon vanilla ice cream

The day after halloween always seems to be a little bit of a let down for the hatchlings, and this particular 1st of November, all their activities went wrong as well.

When we finally came home after a long morning of things going wrong, we needed a dinner that felt something special and this was even better than that.

I glazed 12 cox apples, peeled and chopped, in calvados and brown sugar.

I poured the apples into an oven dish and sprinkled with a generous quantity of cinnamon.

Then I topped the apples with some homemade muscavado rum caramel. 

(1 tin of condensed milk, 2tbs muscavado rum, 1tbs brown sugar, 1 tsp vanilla bean paste, 1 tbs butter, bring to a boil for 2minutes)

Then I crushed 8 digestive biscuits and added 3/4 cup rolled oats, and 1/2 cup dried coconut; to this I added 1/4 cup of melted butter, mixed it in and poured it over the caramel.

I put it all in the oven for 30 minutes while our ice cream maker chilled my bourbon vanilla custard into ice cream.

Needless to say, we all felt a lot better afterwards.