Thursday 28 August 2014

After the storm

After a beautiful week, of the bay outside looking like glass,

we had our first good storm of the year.

Winter is definitely on its way.

I am thankful for all the summer sunshine weather we have had.

Now, I feel my focus returning.

Onto school work, home repairs, knitting, and making a start on the preparations for out spring plans.

The days have grown so short, and as we approach the equinox, I am fast becoming aware of the limits on time, and how precious little daylight we have left.

What are your autumn plans?

Underneath the same sky

This is the sky tonight.

Looking out across the bay.

Something new, in place of the old, 

and I am thankful for these blessings in my life.

Far away from me, 

yet still beneath the very same sky,

I know you are.

And I hope as you toss and turn, 

waiting for the starting gun,

for your newest adventure,

that you remember, not so very far away,

beneath the same big sky,

I am here.

Thinking of you, proud of you and waiting to hear all about the new you have discovered.

Good luck DaddyDragon, we believe in you!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Cupcakes and kisses

Are just a few of my favourite things,

which remind me of the many reasons,

I have to be thankful.

Summer is winding down

The days are swiftly growing shorter, 

and it is insane how fast this summer has gone.

Lots of new,

new baby, new house, new jobs, new animals, so much news.

And my camera and mobile hate talking to my mac so I can share it on the blog.

SO much frustrating!

I am really hoping to have mostly gotten that better sorted.

I hope your summer has been full of happy, new adventures. 

And I really hope to that the autumn brings a quieter, even rhythm to our days.

Though I shall not hold my breath.

But, just in case there is some quiet, I just bought a kick butt big order of wool to knit, just in case.