Monday 21 July 2014

Life boat raft races

Playing about, waiting on the races to start.

Lots of great entries.

And they are off!

Go! Go! Go!

The bunnies, unfortunately, did not get far from the shore,

and there was many humorous moments as various rafts began to come apart.

All in all a very entertaining afternoon, with lots of good food and great community spirit.

More photos would have been taken, but for my being stood on a pier, with no rail, and 6 hatchlings...

so much anxious, none the less, we had a wonderful time.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Just chilling

Just spending a day,


Watching the world go by.

Lego Artist

Many a fad has come and gone through our house.

But the lego collection I have been slowly building has finally captured the hatchlings imagination.

Hatchling no2 is particularly keen.

Here is here is the Santiago zoo.

Do you see Melvin, Alex, Marty, and Melman? 

And of course, every zoo must have an elephant.

Late evening at the park

It may not look it, but it is 8:30pm in these photos.

This little boy, is not a baby any more. 

Both knees scuffed. 

Plum coloured bruises on his peaches and cream shins.

The hatchlings played for hours, after a hard days work out in the garden.

These beautiful summer evenings that last and last.

Memories, which I hope will store up to help when life gives them a dark evening.

Eventually, it was time to head home, for baths, hot chocolate and cookies.

And we are thankful, for this gentle summer.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Sunny happy days

How lucky are we?

To live by the sea?

And have friends who come to play?

The weather has been bright, without a cloud in sight,

and our happiness has been as plentiful as the daylight.

Ring of Brodgar

Just milling about,

on a sunny day.

Completely unaware of the historical significance,

and we are very blessed.

Saturday 5 July 2014

So much beautiful

Watching the sky,

in the middle of the night.

With such

a beautiful


So much beauty.

And I am very


Thursday 3 July 2014

Moving house - Almost done!

The blog has been a bit neglected,

Because we have been busy moving house.

To a different island,

with different beaches,

which, of course, we have had to stop and explore.

There has been lots to do and think about.

This is our new view,

pretty awesome.

Our new garden.

A football playing hatchling,

did very well at his tournament.

And there has been

many a back garden football game

played on our new the shaggy lawn.

We are still adventuring,

lots of playing on the beach,

is this not

completely spectacular?

And look,

just across the water, see those tiny houses, well the one third from the left, with the white boat beside it...

that is our new home!

Well, we are digging our selves out of our house moving rut, and will be back sharing adventures.

And hopefully soon, I will do a series on our home renovations, because we have so much we want to do with this new place. 

Wishing you happy days.