Saturday 28 July 2012

Fire brigade

Nee nah,

nee nah,

here comes the cutest

fire brigade ever.

Sheriff chicky.

And the police.

Chickens always have yellow cruisers, apparently.

These three chicks, while a really small hatching are so fluffy, and did I mention, tolerant...

Happy chick day.

Saturday mornings


I had been going to post about my mountain of laundry, that has arisen from the tummy bug circling in our house.

Then I googled mountain of laundry images.

I realised something.

I don't have anything to complain about.

It doesn't matter how many stinky sheets I have to wash today.

Some people have far far bigger mountains to climb.

It is a humbling revelation.

Today, I am thankful. 

Today, my mountain is but a hill, and I am capable of climbing it.

I wish you a tummy ache free Saturday.

May your mountains be hills, and the sun shine gently along your journey.

Friday 27 July 2012


The car's Mot came due, which left the hatchlings and I, carless, in town.

Tired of behaving in shops,

and ready for a game of knights and princesses,

we stopped in

to the Tankerness gardens.

(He thinks I can't see him standing in the roses, if he doesn't look at me.)

Where we visited a particularly lovely tree.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Playing in the waves

Today's theme:




and more waves!

Playing tractor in the shade,

and playing pass the ball

with the sea.

A happy girl here,

and here,

cooling off,

while he buries 47 matchbox cars, a buzzlightyear, and 6 books in the sand.

The girls love playing red wave - green wave type games, 


and running from the water.

One boy off to find some 'peet and t'wiet'.

While the girls

could not be lead away from the water.

Even for chocolate.

Doing sand summer saults.

The little guy chilling in the sand.

Inspecting the sand.

More rolling in the sand. Is it any wonder what my bath tub looked like this evening.


a place to nap.

A little more body surfing before it is time to go home to bed.

Monday 23 July 2012

On my pillow this morning....

I love you too Hatchling, you are such a wonderful blessing.

And I am so thankful to be your mama.

Sunday 22 July 2012


Why do goats, with ten acres at their disposal...

eat all my roses,

and my irises,

and pull out my bedding plants?

Why do chicken's not go into their house,

when it rains?

Why do hatchling say, 'I'm hungry!'

and when I make crepes, they say, 'No t'ank you.'

Sometimes, I wonder why.

Saturday 21 July 2012

New toy!

Mama got a new toy!

So happy!

A brand new pot.

Isn't it big,

and shiny?

I can't wait to batch cook with out things pouring over the top.