Thursday 31 May 2012

The view from my window

The sun is now setting, at half past eleven.

The days are long with their late to bed, early to rise, sun routine.

This evening a fog has settled in. Thick and soft, like the cotton fibres inside a duvet.

A gentle breeze is blowing the sheep's wool, that hangs in tufts on the barbed wire.

There is not a sound, the fog seems to have muted the island into silence. Like falling snow.

The cockerel is quiet, and the goats lay fast asleep. Even the hatchling are not making a peep.

I almost feel guilty making this click and tap typing noise.

Just a few more pages to edit, before I turn in for the night.

As such, I'll bid you good night.

Wednesday 30 May 2012


This week has been exhausting. 

The internet has been down, two goats led us on a three day long chase from one light house to the next, and there has been a glut of planting to be done.

Interesting story, this goat chase. 
We caught two goats. 
After two of ours went on their own adventure.
One is our Violet.
The other is a wether!
Nobody has ever seen this goat before.
He's not ours. I distinctly remember our Jasmine having an udder!

The weather has been generous.
We've tried to be appreciative and spend most of it out doors.

Which is hardly a chore.
Though that does remind me, there are plenty of those to be done.

Happy Thursday.
Happy to have the internet back!

Monday 28 May 2012

Beach bums

This weekend the United Kingdom has had record breaking high temperatures.

Can you join me in a Woo hoo!

Like everyone else we took to the seaside.

There's not an inch of beach left on the Brighton coast as thousands of sunbathers squash in to soak up the warmth

Unlike, these poor Brighton dwellers, we found a slightly less crowded spot.

I am completely in love,

with this water.

We picked up a few friends,

who buried a hatchling,

or two in the sand.

Then off they went 

to swim and snorkel in the water. 
(No pics of snorkelling, I needed to be in the water too for that.)

Tans were worked on,

tides were danced in,

and out of.

Sand elephants,

and castles were built.

Phone calls made,

before bananas were planted.

This little guy

put his feet in the sand for the first time.

Lots of sea weed

was returned to the sea.

I sincerely hope your weekend,

was as enjoyable as ours.

Friday 25 May 2012

A night out

These little hatchlings are all scrubbed up, and ready to go.

There is a wonderful traditional/ western dancing evening held for the whole island community one Friday night a month, so off we go to dance the night away.

Hope you are having a fun Friday night too!


A big brother's car tastes, drives and just is, better than your own. 

So when the opportunity arises, it must be taken advantage of.

'You see nothing.... don't speak of this to anyone!'

'Shhhhhh...It's the thrill that makes this sooo good!'

Thursday 24 May 2012

A day well spent

The other night, we found ourselves on our favourite beach about an hour after bedtime, just enjoying the sun slowly going down. A man in a white truck slowed down, rolled down the window and told me, 'You are on the wrong beach!'

Today, we took his advice, headed up over the dyke, past the creek, and over the sheep field...

what a wonderful find.





the effort. (It is a big dyke!)

'Can it be a fossil if I name this rock, fossil?'

Hatchling no2 wanted her dolly to learn swimming.

Real mamas take pictures of their hatchlings throwing paddies.

The hatchlings


and ran

and then

ran some more.

Stomping in waves,

and when I said it is time to go home,

 she told me, 'I'm already home Mama!'

A good man (in training) wears dino wells and can navigate a pushchair one handed.

The water is so clear.

Though this hatchling is still a little nervous,

at first.

If you need to track a wild hatchling, start by looking for discarded socks,

followed by claw marks,

and fierce roars.

They'll lead you back to mama's wellies... now full of sand.

Did I tell you,

this hatchling has

started taking

highland dancing?

Sand kitty.

Should a hatchling's trousers become too water logged, simply discard into the sea... safe in the knowledge, mama will swim after them....

This little hatchling,

napped hard.

One of me, taken by hatchling no1.

Just as everyone became good and hungry, the tides changed, and the day was spent, well.